Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Simply Obey

Obedience sounds simple, it does.  Just do what the Lord says. Easy enough, right? But why is it so hard.  Yeah, I know we live in a fallen world and have hearts filled with sin at birth. I know disobedience enter the Garden very early and it is something that man has dealt with since the beginning.  I know that disobedience is as the sin of witchcraft.  But you think if we had the technology to control a satellite in space and find a mass murder hiding in a compound in Pakistan, we should be able to simply obey.  My son has recently shed some light on this subject for me.  Yes, my 5yr old son has given me insight on a significant sin issue. 
Will has a big problem with obeying me.  In fact, he rarely listens to anything me or my wife says to him.  He is caught up in his own 5yr old world doing his 5yr old things and it messes up things  when the big people try to intervene in his 5yr old world.  “Rules are boring Daddy…I don’t want to listen Mommy”.  Instead of putting his toys up, he will rearrange his brother’s toys.  He will say “I’m just trying to help you out”.   He will try to go above the obedience and try to impress me or get on my good side much like I try to do with God. I am so much like my son and my son is so much like me.  I am the 5yr old kid who doesn’t want the rules and listen to the stuff that big, enormous God says sometimes.  I want to keep playing in my 27yr old world.  Saul gives the greatest example of attempting to impress God with his disobedience.  Sometimes I try, we try to impress God with our cool abilities, talents, skills instead of simply obeying Him and saying “Yes Sir”.  The Bible makes it very clear that God blesses those who obey. I think sometimes I forget that I am little 27yr old Josh, and He is giant God.  It doesn’t take creative thinking, planning, schemes, or tactics to obey.  Let’s complicate this thing as we have done with most things in the church.  It’s simple.  Say, “Yes Sir”.

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