Monday, May 23, 2011

Night Light

Recently I was driving through a fairly desolate part of Florida after leaving a youth event I spoke at.  The only thing open in the area was a bar and lounge and it was quite busy.  I began to think about why the only place open at that point was a place that only brought more pain and hurt to people who were probably already experiencing alot of pain and hurt.  It's no different from where I live where everyone retreats downtown to have a good time when all they are really doing is escaping their lives of hurt, depression, or just plain boredom.  The only places open 24 hours a day are Wal-Mart, Waffle House, and other greasy food joints that leave you feeling like you just laid down in a tub of lard.  So why is that at the point where most people are examining their lives and trying to escape, the only places they have to go to are the ones that will only take more from them.  What if beside every bar, club, or lounge there was a church, counseling center, or prayer center.  While most Christians are sleeping the enemy is doing his best work.  God has recently put a ministry on my heart called Night Light (yes, the name needs some work) where we will engage believers to step out of their place of comfort and offer solace to those who are searching for life beyond what they know.  Instead of people going to drink away their pain, we will introduce them to a Savior who will heal away their pain.  We probably won't be able to shut down the bar, club, lounge industry but why did we stop trying.  Who waved the white flag and gave up.  Instead of just praying that they will show up in a semi-sober state to our Sunday morning service, why not send out a loving group of people to rescue them on Saturday night.  Just saying.

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