Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Ants and Sin

We have recently experienced a hostile takeover in our home by ants. They have made life very wearisome for my wife. She can't stand them. My oldest son Will thinks that they are going to carry him off and dismember him. I haven't been to bothered by them until recently when they invaded the garbage can in the kitchen. It was the straw that broke the camels back. I have sprayed ant spray everywhere I can think of. I think they look at the spray as a sort of ant gatorade that quenched their thirst while they tear into our groceries. How can something so small cause so much stress?
One ant isn't a problem but 1,000 ants is. It reminds me alot of life. The small issues we face aren't that big of a deal but when the pile up they can throw us off focus, keep us from prayer, and hurt us. The small sin issues we deal with may not be so bad but when you have a pile of small sin issues they can destroy you spiritually. 
I'm no pest control expert, but I would assume the best way to handle ants is to act when you first see them. I'm no spiritual guru but the best way to handle the small problems and sin issues is to get rid of them before they pile up. Don't let the ants of life get the best of you.  Now, excuse me while I go burn my house down.