Friday, October 29, 2010

Love Doesn't Mean Tolerance

I was listening to one of those radio preacher guys this morning on the way to the office which I do not normally do.  What caused me to listen to him was his fervent passion against homosexual lifestyles, specifically same sex marriage.  Recently President Obama has announced that he is learning toward changing is opposition of same sex marriage.  Mr. Radio Preacher was citing the quote from the President when he began his own rant against same sex marriage.  Let me make this clear before I continue this blog: I am totally against same sex marriage and homosexual behavior because of reasons that are related to my relationship with Jesus Christ.  I probably don't hate all sin as much as God does because not all sin directly affects me.  There is nobody in my immediate family or circle of friends that is homosexual.  I usually hate sin more when it directly affects me (i.e. family members that suffer from drug/alcohol addiction).  Like Mr. Radio Preacher, I too could go on my own rant about what the Bible says about homosexuality and in his defense he was right on target.  We need more Truth to be spoken from our pulpits.  But let me also say this: I love gay people.  There I said it! I love gay people!

"You love gay people?!"
"Yes, I love gay people?!"
"Well, you are just the same as them. You tolerate their sinful behavior. You are no Christian, and you call yourself a pastor.  I'm telling God on you!"

That was my conversation with a traditional, conservative close minded Christian.  Love does not mean tolerance. I love gay people because God loves gay people.

"What?! God doesn't love gay people!"
Yes, He does!
"No he doesn't!"
"Read the Bible!"

"For God so LOVED the WORLD that he gave his only begotten son so that whoever believes in him would not perish but have everlasting life"
The last time I checked, the world had gay people in it.  Amazing isn't it, God loves gay people.  But his love doesn't mean he tolerates their behavior.  My 5yr old son peed in his closet a few months ago.  I love my son but I don't love him using his closet as a toilet.  God's love for people doesn't stop because of their sinful behavior.  

I think sometimes we use our passionate intolerance for sin as an excuse not to love the sinner.  God hates sin yet He loves people.  People are imperfect, flawed, and separated from their Creator.  Every time I look at Scripture the only time I see Christ going on passionate, rage filled rants are when He had to deal with religious people.  The more I look at the life of Christ, the more I see how He loved people out of sin.  Could it be that one of the main reasons why homosexual lifestyles are such a problem today are because of our failure to Love People.  God help us.