The other night I asked my son Will how "big" he loved me. He responded by stretching his arms out as far as he could. Then I said, "I love you as big as a Wooly Mammoth.". Then he pulled out the trump card.
"Daddy, I love you as big as God!"
I said, "Well, you win because there is nothing bigger than God"
I kissed him goodnight and walked into my room and then that statement sunk in. There is NOTHING bigger than God. No problem, circumstance, situation, disease, or anything is bigger than God. We make our problems and situations bigger than God, but the truth is they don't even register on the radar next to Him. Life is about perspective and when we perceive things to be bigger than God everything gets messed up. My 5 year old son knows that God is the biggest. Inherently we all know that nothing is bigger than God. When the mortgage is due and the bank account is low our God mysteriously shrinks. When our family member is diagnosed with Giant Cancer our little god seems to be no match for it. The size of God is directly proportional to your belief and faith in Him. Life is tough. Everyday can be a battle. Hard times seem to outweigh the good times. When you understand that NOTHING is bigger than God, life is good. Life becomes more than manageable. You can do more than just survive. You can be more than a conqueror. You can overcome because He overcame it all.
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