Monday, February 21, 2011

The 7 Year Itch

About 7 years ago I began to experience something that confused me but now makes sense.  I began to "suffer" from a skin disorder called Eczema.  My skin get severely dry which causes it to crack and bleed.  It also itches severely.  I don't think you would understand how bad it itches unless you actually had Eczema.  I will at times scratch my hands almost uncontrollably.  I have also unfortunately passed this trait down to my two sons.  I have at times thought about why I would have developed this disorder out of the blue in 2003 and why I haven't always had it.
I have also wondered how a crack addict can never get enough and will do anything to get his fix.  I have wondered why an alcoholic always needs another drink.  I have wondered why "meth-heads" would go to such suicidal extremes to get high.  I have wondered why dogs return to their vomit.  You see for those of us who have never tasted those things it is difficult to put ourselves in the shoes of a drug addict or alcoholic.  It's hard for me to understand why someone will steal from his family just to get more of something that is ruining his life.  I never knew why it is so hard not to scratch that itch until I had Eczema.  Eczema is that thorn in my side that allows me to put drug and alcohol addiction among other things into perspective.  I was once very bitter and confused about this shin disorder.  I know find myself thankful for another one of God's weird life lessons.  So when you find yourself with a thorn in your side like Paul, allow God to show you why it is there.

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