I have never been good at poker. In fact, I don't even like it, and I am completely against gambling. But there is an interesting dynamic that poker brings that the church and individuals should look at. It's the "All In" way of living. In poker if you think you have the overwhelming best hand or if you are just a risk taker you will bet everything you've got. You will lay everything out on the line. If you play poker in a safe, no risk way, you will likely be a horrible player. You have to take risks. You have to believe you have the best hand.
As Christ followers and members of the unified body of Christ we have to believe we have the best hand. Even if we are holding just a pair of 2's we still have a way better chance of winning than our enemy. We must live our lives believing and knowing that what we are holding trumps what the enemy of our soul is holding. We have to take risks and chances and see God prove Himself big in our lives. We must be willing to bet the house. We must be willing to give everything we have or we need to get out of the game. Are you "All In"?